Resolution Submitted by the Joint Deputation

As our diocesan deputations to General Convention prepared for our work, we discerned a desire to communicate to the wider church our shared experience of the recent Title IV process around our former bishop’s suspension. In exploring whether to submit a resolution or memorial, we entered conversation with those who served during this time as presidents of our Standing Committees as well as our provisional bishop, the Rt. Rev. Prince Singh.

Resolutions call on General Convention to take specific legislative action. In order to be accepted, a resolution must be approved in identical language by both the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies. A memorial is more like a letter written to General Convention and is used to draw attention to a “matter of great importance” to the Church. Unlike resolutions, memorials do not create binding actions. Both are used to speak to the Church in efforts to effect change. We submitted one of each. Click these links to find the texts of the Memorial from Deputies of Eastern and Western Michigan (M015) and Resolution (D095) with Explanation.

This memorial and resolution were endorsed almost unanimously by our deputations and have the full support and input of Bishop Singh. 

As a part of the General Convention process, each resolution receives a hearing, an opportunity for the people (any Episcopalian) to speak to the proposed legislation. The hearing for Resolution D095 (and others assigned to the Title IV Committee) will be on Thursday, June 16, 7:30-9:30pm via Zoom. If you would like to speak to our resolution or observe the hearing, you can register to do that here. Click here to learn how to sign up to testify and what this means

We offer this memorial and resolution to the larger Church for the sake of healing: both for our own healing as dioceses and hopefully beyond us too. This moment is not about the behaviors of any one person or office. Instead, we’re attempting to draw attention to systemic issues that collectively, as Church, we have the capacity to address. After experiencing a process more painful and costly than it needed to be, we believe our Church can do better. In this memorial and resolution we offer some of our truth along with our genuine hope that better is not only possible but is within our reach.

On behalf of the Deputations of Eastern and Western Michigan,


The Rev. Jen Adams – Grace, Grace, Holland
Bill Fleener, Jr. – Bi-Diocesan Chancellor; St. David’s, Lansing
The Rev. Nurya Love Parish – Plainsong Farm
Linda Rathburn – St. Christopher’s, Grand Blanc


August 26-28, 2022 at Camp Chickagami

Join us at Camp Naucratius, a weekend camp program filled with friends, family, fishing, and life-long memories.

This is the first (and hopefully annual!) Naucratius Family Camp! We’ll offer some programming, built-in free time, fishing, hiking, games, prayer and worship, and more. All planned activities for the weekend are no-pressure, allowing participants to join and and participate at their leisure. Children must be supervised at all times by their parents/guardians. One does not need to be an Episcopalian or an expert angler to join us for Camp Naucratius!

The Order of Naucratius is a community and network of hunters and anglers engaging in the spiritual practice of sharing our harvested abundance with neighbors experiencing hunger. Learn more about the Order, a recognized cooperating ministry of Western Michigan with leadership and participants from both Eastern and Western Michigan, on their website,

Please contact the Rev. Christian Baron, Director of the Order of Naucratius, with any questions – or 512-826-9657.

In order to keep our community safe and healthy during this overnight event, all participants will be required to complete a rapid COVID test upon arrival and receive a negative result to proceed to their lodging. Tests will be provided by our hosts. Thank you for your understanding and patience!


Camp Chickagami, incorporated in 1929, is the ACA accredited camp and retreat center owned and operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan. Located in Presque Isle, Michigan with frontage on Lake Esau and access to Lake Huron, Camp Chick offers rental stays and programming for children, youth, and adults throughout the summer. Learn more at

There are a number of different options for lodging, including family-style cabins, bunk-style dorm cabins, and tent/RV camping spots.

Accomodations will be assigned by Camp Chick staff by family unit. To request sharing lodging with another family or to arrange for a specific lodging type (including indicating that you will bring a tent or RV), please email

Thanks to a grant from The Episcopal Church and support from the Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan, this event has been subsidized to $50 per person over 12. Children 12 and younger may participate at no cost.

An optional Friday afternoon charter fishing experience on Lake Huron is priced at an extra $80/person.

The registration deadline is August 25th.

A Word from the Bishop for Pride Month


Greetings, Beloved.

In 2008, I was ordained and consecrated to be the eighth bishop of Rochester, New York. In the spring of 2009, I was invited by Pride New York to speak at their justice day in Albany, the capital of New York. I remember calling us to move toward marriage equality for LGBTQ saints. The rationale for me was and is that we are called to invite people toward a holiness of life. To embrace holiness in our living is what I believe Jesus calls us to pursue. We may not always do it well, but that is our aspiration. 

As bishop, I believe that is one of the reasons we call our LGBTQ saints to not only be in relationship with one another, but to embrace marriage fully. In 2022 it is the law of the land in all of this land. Thanks be to God. 

It is with that clarity that I’ve decided not to go to Lambeth later this year. Because my LGBTQ community of bishops have received notification from Canterbury disinviting their spouses to the gathering. I just wanted to make my simple moral witness to this call, I feel Jesus provides for us to pursue a holy way of life. 

I also want to say to all of us, not just to our LGBTQ saints, but to all of us, to make sure we intentionally welcome one another because there is no division in Christ. We are all equally beloved children of God. That is the gospel. 

During Pride season, I hope we can make sure that no one feels like they are outcast in our community. That especially our LGBTQ siblings know that they are loved deeply and that we will practice that hospitality with one another. 

I invite you to do all that you can to genuinely listen and welcome and celebrate the lives of our saints among us. I also invite you to consider opportunities where you can perhaps find more meaningful ways like training toward diversity and inclusion so that you may be authentic in the way you welcome those who feel otherwise neglected. In the history of the Church we have done a lot of harm in the name of God to especially the LGBTQ community. This is an opportunity for us to repair some of those wrongs and we can. We can. 

God Bless you.


Saludos Amado,

En 2008, fui consagrado para ser el octavo obispo de Rochester, Nueva York. En la primavera de 2009, fui invitado por Pride New York para hablar en su día de la justicia en Albany, la capital de Nueva York. Recuerdo que nos llamó a avanzar hacia la igualdad matrimonial para los santos LGBTQ. La razón de ser para mí era y es que estamos llamados a invitar a la gente a la santidad de vida. Creo que Jesús nos llama a abrazar la santidad en nuestra vida. Puede que no lo hagamos bien, pero esa es nuestra aspiración.

Como obispo, creo que esa es una de las razones por las que llamamos a nuestros santos LGBTQ no sólo a estar en relación con los demás, sino a abrazar plenamente el matrimonio. En 2022 es la ley de la tierra en toda esta tierra. Gracias a Dios.

Con esa claridad he decidido no ir a Lambeth este año, porque mi comunidad de obispos LGBTQ ha recibido una notificación de Canterbury desinvitando a sus cónyuges. Sólo quería dar mi simple testimonio de mártir de esta llamada, siento que Jesús nos llama a perseguir una forma de vida santa.

También quiero decirles a todos nosotros, no sólo a nuestros santos LGBTQ, sino a todos nosotros, que nos aseguremos de acogernos intencionadamente unos a otros porque no hay división en Cristo. Todos somos igualmente hijos amados de Dios. Ese es el evangelio.

Durante la temporada del orgullo, espero que podamos asegurarnos que nadie se sienta marginado en nuestra comunidad. Que especialmente nuestros hermanos LGBTQ sepan que son profundamente amados y que practiquemos esa hospitalidad unos con otros.

Los invito a hacer todo lo que puedan para escuchar, acoger y celebrar realmente la vida de nuestros santos entre nosotros. También los invito a considerar las oportunidades en las que quizá puedan encontrar formas más significativas como la formación hacia la diversidad y la inclusión, para que puedan ser auténticos en la forma de acoger a aquellos que se sienten desatendidos. En la historia de la iglesia hemos hecho muchos horrores en nombre de Dios, especialmente a la comunidad LGBTQ. Esta es una oportunidad para reparar algunos de esos errores y podemos hacerlo. Claro que podemos.

Que Dios te bendiga.

A Word from the Bishop for Pentecost

Greetings of Pentecost, my dear friends.

It is one of the gifts that we have as a church, when we read in our collect that the Spirit is really calling us as a teacher — a teacher of our hearts to open us up to be strengthened so we may do the work of really building beloved community.

In 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, we hear these words,

Now there are varieties of gifts but the same Spirit; and there are a variety of services but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. The one is given through the Spirit the utterance wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the same Spirit, to another the working of powerful beings, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who alots to each one individually, just as the Spirit chooses.

This is the church in action. So, beloved, as we come out of this fog of a pandemic, I invite you to consider your gifts. I invite you in the name of the church to go deep into yourself as you have, especially these last two years. Explore how you want to use the gifts God has given you in order to make this world, our church, and all of life a whole lot better.

We need your gifts. The church needs it. Your local church needs it. The dioceses need it.

Whatever your gift, I hope you will talk to somebody, your priest, your counselor, your friend — someone that you respect to figure out a way for you to actively engage in making this world a better place. That is Pentecost in action, when the spirit of God comes upon everyone so that each of us can bring our gifts to make this world a much better place.

To God be the glory. Happy Pentecost.


Saludos de Pentecostés mis queridos amigos,

Sólo quería los dones que tenemos como iglesia. Cuando saludamos en nuestro llamado que el Espíritu nos llama realmente como maestro. Un maestro de todos los corazones para abrirnos a ser fortalecidos para que podamos hacer el trabajo de construir realmente comunidades amadas.

En 1 Corintios 12:4-11 escuchamos estas palabras,

Ahora bien, hay variedad de dones, pero el mismo Espíritu; y hay variedad de servicios, pero el mismo Señor; y hay variedad de actividades, pero es el mismo Dios quien las activa todas en todos. A cada uno se le da la manifestación del Espíritu para el bien común. A uno se le da por medio del Espíritu la expresión de la sabiduría, a otro la expresión de la ciencia según el mismo Espíritu, a otro la fe por el mismo Espíritu, a otro los dones de curación por el mismo Espíritu, a otro el obrar de los seres poderosos, a otro la profecía, a otro el discernimiento de los espíritus, a otro las diversas clases de lenguas, a otro la interpretación de lenguas. Todos son activados por un mismo Espíritu, que asigna a cada uno individualmente, tal como el Espíritu elige.

Esta es la iglesia en acción. Así que, queridos, mientras salimos de esta niebla de la pandemia, los invito a considerar su regalo. Te invito, en nombre de la Iglesia, a profundizar en ti mismo como lo has hecho, especialmente estos dos últimos años. Explora cómo quieres utilizar los dones que Dios te ha dado para hacer que este mundo, nuestra iglesia y toda la vida sean mejores.

Necesitamos tus dones. La iglesia lo necesita, tu iglesia local lo necesita, las diócesis lo necesita. Sea cual sea tu don, espero que hables con alguien, con tu sacerdote, con tu consejero, con tu amigo, con alguien a quien respetes, para encontrar una manera de participar activamente en hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor. Eso es Pentecostés en acción, cuando el espíritu de Dios viene sobre todos para que cada uno pueda aportar sus dones para hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor.

A Dios sea la gloria. Feliz Pentecostés.

Statement from Bishop Singh Concerning the Shooting in Texas

Dear saints,

Robb Elementary was home to the 27th school shooting this year and the 119th school shooting since 2018 in our country. Houston, Uvalde, and Oxford; we have a problem!

My brother bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas writes, “What we have to offer is ourselves. We have received power to love and to resist hatred.”

We can respond to his call with integrity. As I see it, we don’t have a second amendment problem but a gun problem — too many guns and assault weapons that are too quickly accessible to people who shouldn’t have that sort of responsibility. Stringent universal background checks, red-flag laws, safe storage of guns, and a ban on assault weapons can safeguard our children, schools, and communities.

We are not the only country in this world with angry people or mental health issues. We are the only country with easy access to guns, including high-powered assault weapons so often used for mass shootings. In our state, firearms are now the #1 cause of death for children and youth. Suicides by firearm have reached record levels.

No one is safe when our children are regularly killed in schools by assault weapons. We have as many as four hundred million firearms in the United States of America. With that kind of access, the only reasonable protection in a civil society is stringent background checks. Most Americans — 90%, to be specific — are in favor of universal background checks before someone can buy a gun. It is that simple.

What we have here is a national health crisis! Our doctors, nurses, parents, and caregivers are overwhelmed by this human-made crisis. It is also a national security crisis when parents are terrified to send our precious children to school! Anyone running for public office who cannot protect the life of our children by subscribing to universal background checks is not qualified to serve.

Thoughts and prayers are as important as our actions. Prayers help us not become the very thing we’re trying to overcome. We cannot turn to anger, bitterness, and hate. We can keep our lawmakers accountable. On Holy Week this year, all three Michigan Episcopal bishops, ELCA Bishops, and over one hundred and forty followers of a loving God, lobbied in Lansing for some of these sensible gun laws to be established in our state.

We passed the second anniversary of George Floyd’s killing on May 25th. The pandemic of racism and the epidemic of gun violence must be addressed and are addressable regardless of one’s political party. I invite us to address them as followers of Jesus with compassion to protect our children from this chronic sickness in the soul of our country.

Here are a few steps you can take. Start with being kind to yourself and your neighbor. Breathe! Join End Gun Violence Michigan‘s Silence the Violence March on Saturday, June 4th in Detroit or local marches closer to you.

We have to keep the pressure, my beloved!

Yours in Christ,

The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh
Bishop Provisional
The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan

Progressive Mission Trip

We Are Beloved Community – July 7-13, 2022

“Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?”

This summer, Episcopal high schoolers will join in a journey of pilgrimage and discovery. We’ll pray together and consider the meaning of our Baptismal Covenant and Jesus’ teachings. We’ll serve in ministries that bless others and show God’s love. We’ll learn more about what God calls us to do. We’ll sleep in four different churches and serve in four different communities in Michigan and Ohio.

Each day includes time for fun, time for service, and time for small groups to debrief about the day’s events. We’ll also make a special outing to Cedar Point towards the end of the trip and an afternoon of hiking in Hocking Hills State Park!

This mission trip — led by Regional Youth Missioners Jeff Brown, the Rev. Radha Kaminski, and the Rev. Joel Turmo — is open to high schoolers in the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan. Please read below for more information and to register.

We hope you will join us for this wonderful opportunity to serve God’s people, enjoy God’s creation, and meet other high school students around and beyond our two dioceses. Join us on the journey!

Please contact Regional Youth Missioner Jeff Brown with any questions – or


In order to keep our community safe and healthy during this overnight event, proof of COVID-19 vaccination (at least two shots) or a negative PCR test within 48 hours of arrival is required. A COVID-19 rapid test will be completed upon arrival and daily temperature checks will be taken.



Thursday, July 7th

Arrival Window: 5-7pm


Wednesday, July 13th

Pick-up at 3pm

Drop-off and Pick-up location:

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

1025 3 Mile Rd NE

Grand Rapids, MI

A more detailed itinerary will be provided closer to the trip as finalizing details of site visits are still in process.


Much of the cost for this event has been subsidized by the diocesan youth ministry budget and the generosity of our host sites. Participants are asked to pay $100/person.

If the cost would prevent you or your child from attending, please first contact your parish to inquire about financial assistance. Additional scholarships may be available — please contact Jeff Brown to inquire.

The registration deadline is June 22.

Bishop Singh Invites Leaders to Discernment Weekend


Click here to learn more about the Discernment Weekend and RSVP for this no-cost event.

Greetings Beloved,

Have you ever felt a strange warmth within, or a disturbance within, that caused you to wonder if perhaps you are being called to discern for Holy Orders? To serve as a deacon, as a priest? Has someone tapped you on the shoulder and said, “have you thought about this?”

If you have, I think you will be interested in the day of discernment that is being hosted for people from both Eastern and Western Michigan. It is going to be a few days of exploring this in prayer and listening to people who may be able to give you some clarity, so that you may have a meaningful way to push through your call.

A long time ago, when I was a student in college, someone tapped me on the shoulder and said “have you considered discernment to become a priest?” and I didn’t take them very seriously immediately. Still, the seed they sowed led to stay with the discomfort which then became a fire in my bones.

The dates are June 24th, starting with dinner, and for the rest of the weekend you will have an opportunity to be with others who are feeling similarly.

If you are feeling this urge within yourself, what can you do about it? Well, first of all you talk to your priest. If you don’t have a priest, talk to your wardens so that they will be able to give you some guidance and clarity.

There will be a lot of details that you can get from them and from our dioceses so that you may do something about it. I just wanted to invite you to be open to the experience. So that we together can be helpful in your discernment.

God Bless.


Saludos amados,

¿Has sentido alguna vez un calor extraño en tu interior, o una perturbación en tu interior, que te ha hecho preguntarte si tal vez estás llamado a discernir? Las órdenes sagradas para servir como diácono, como sacerdote. ¿Te ha tocado alguien en el hombro y te ha dicho “has pensado en esto”?

Si lo has hecho, creo que te interesará la jornada de discernimiento que se está organizando para personas del este y del oeste de Michigan. Serán unos días para explorar esto en oración y escuchar a las personas que pueden ser capaces de darte un poco de claridad, para que puedas tener una manera significativa de explorar tu llamada.

Hace mucho tiempo, cuando era estudiante en la universidad, alguien me tocó el hombro y me dijo “¿has considerado el discernimiento para ser sacerdote?” No lo tomé muy en serio inmediatamente, pero la semilla que sembraron me llevó a quedarme con la incomodidad que después se convirtió en un fuego en mis huesos.

Las fechas son el 24 de junio comenzando con una cena y durante el resto del fin de semana tendrás la oportunidad de estar con otras personas que se sienten de manera similar. Si sientes este impulso en tu interior, ¿qué puedes hacer al respecto? Bueno, en primer lugar, habla con tu sacerdote. Si no tienes un sacerdote, habla con tus guardianes para que puedan orientarte y aclararte.

Habrá muchos detalles que podrás obtener de ellos y de nuestras diócesis para que puedas hacer algo al respecto. Sólo quería invitarte a estar abierto a la experiencia. Para que juntos podamos ser útiles en tu discernimiento.

Que Dios te bendiga.


Opportunities to meet with our diocesan deputations

All in Eastern and Western Michigan are invited to participate in upcoming online gatherings before and after this summer’s General Convention.

The General Convention is the decision-making body of The Episcopal Church. Composed of the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops, the convention gathers every three years (in non-pandemic times) to take up the business of the church — debating and acting on resolutions, worshiping and praying together, and reflecting on and preparing for ministry in the church in the long-term. The 80th General Convention, delayed due to the ongoing pandemic, will take place in Baltimore this July in a modified format (shorter and smaller than usual).

Our two deputations have been meeting and preparing together over the last several months. As they prepare for the work they were elected to do, they invite all in our dioceses to spend time with them before and after the General Convention to learn more about this important piece of our overall governance and to share local concerns around our churchwide work.

Please read below for dates, general topics, and to RSVP for our Zoom meetings. We hope you will join us!



Sat., June 11th, 11-12:30pm

Thurs., June 16th, 7-8:30pm


  • Overview of General Convention
  • Major areas of business for General Convention
    How to stay connected to our deputations


Thurs., July 28th, 7-8:30pm

Sat., July 30th, 10-11:30pm


  • Reporting back from Baltimore
  • Reflecting on any legislation that will have a particular impact on our dioceses

Episcopal Youth Camp

We are pleased to announce that registration for Episcopal Youth Camp this summer is now open!

We will gather the week of August 7th through 13th at Camp Newaygo. All youth, grades 3-12, are invited to join us for a great camp experience. Visit our website, to learn more about our sessions, pricing, and more.

Adults interested in volunteering or donating can learn more on our website.

If you have any questions, please email

Nothing is more important to us than the safety of our campers and staff. At the time of our program we will follow the guidelines set by the CDC, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and the Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan. We will require rapid COVID testing upon check-in, daily temperature checks and screenings, and will be maximizing time spent outdoors — perfect for camp!

Click here to read more about our COVID precautions.

Our volunteers are awesome. We have clergy, teachers, parents, retirees, nurses, lawyers, accountants, and college students. Our oldest counselor is in their eighties and our youngest is 18.

We are seeking volunteers to serve our camp in several areas:

  • As cabin counselors, maintaining a healthy and safe cabin environment for every child and planning and facilitating group activities.
  • In our “pumpkin patch” supporting the children of our other volunteers who are too young to be official campers.
  • As day clergy, celebrating our daily Eucharist and, if you are able, spending time with us throughout the day, in our morning formation and afternoon activities. Overnight accommodations are available.

All volunteers must complete Safe Church certification and undergo a background check.

Click here to learn more about volunteering at EYC.

Episcopal Youth Camp 2022 takes place August 7-13th at Camp Newaygo for students entering 3rd-12th grades.

The cost to attend is $450. There is a $50 discount per sibling for those registering more than one camper from the same family.

Click here to download a printable flyer to hang in your church!


Take a step in exploring how God may be calling you

Have you ever felt a nagging deep inside, wondering about whether you may be called to ordained ministry?

Have you been fighting that feeling?

Have others in your life told you you should consider becoming a deacon or priest?

Are you interested in exploring a call to ordained ministry?

This is the weekend for you.

The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan, in collaboration with the Academy for Vocational Leadership and the Iona Collaborative from the Seminary of the Southwest, is extending an invitation to come together for a weekend of discernment. This event is a first step into considering formal discernment and is open to all.

Our retreat, which will include both time in plenary and discussion, gathers at 5:30pm on Friday, June 24th and concludes following lunch on Sunday, June 26th.

With questions, please contact the Rev. Canon Tracie Little (


Courtyard by Marriot
2400 E. Campus Drive
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

All meetings will take place at this location.

A block of rooms has also been reserved at this hotel for $189/night. Click here to book with the hotel block. The last day to book this rate is June 3rd.

Participants are welcome to take advantage of this hotel block or to find other accommodations nearby, arriving for the meeting sessions at the Marriott.


The cost of the weekend is being shared between the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan. There is no cost to participants beyond any necessary accommodations.

Please register for the Discernment Weekend by June 20th.