Information from the Standing Committee Presidents, Bishop Provisional

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As your Standing Committee Presidents, we write to share information about a sensitive situation taking place in our dioceses, with our bishop provisional.

Several months ago, the bishop shared with the Standing Committees that, after learning about his new relationship, his sons had reached out to the Presiding Bishop expressing hurt around the dissolution of the previous marriage and some internal family dynamics. We were aware that the Presiding Bishop’s Office was going to be in touch with the boys and his ex-wife to respond pastorally. In the last week, this situation has escalated as his sons have shared their concerns more broadly.

We feel that Bishop Prince has been transparent with us in raising this awareness and in seeking appropriate next steps with our churchwide processes. We invite you to read the message below from Bishop Singh. We welcome the next steps that are to be taken and look forward to a resolution.

Our dioceses are resilient partners; focused on mission! We are grateful to serve.

Yours in Christ,

Barbara Ilkka

President of the Standing Committee

The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern Michigan

The Rev. Randall Warren, D.Min.

President of the Standing Committee

The Episcopal Dioceses of Western Michigan

Dear Friends,

As I wrote on Friday, after two and half years post-divorce, I have moved into a new relationship. Unfortunately, this has created a hurt-filled and harmful reaction within my family, now in a public way. Over last week and weekend, my sons have published letters with some serious allegations against me, posting that letter to social media and sending it directly by email to several of our congregations.

First, I want you to know that I am deeply embarrassed and this has been extremely painful. Divorce is messy and mine was no exception. While we separated amicably at that time, it was not without years of spousal conflict and not without some time spent in family therapy. It has not been a simple process since. I have spent quite a bit of time attempting to rebuild the bonds of trust between sons and father since splitting from my former spouse.

Recognizing that one of the areas they feel harmed is the lack of privacy afforded to a family when one parent is a bishop, I am conscious of striking a balance between protecting what privacy can yet be afforded to them and to us, and with responding to these allegations transparently and fully for the dioceses I have been called to serve; dioceses that have a recent experience of trauma related to bishop misconduct. I recognize this dynamic is at play here, and I am deeply, deeply sorry for it.

With the Standing Committee Presidents and Chancellor Fleener, I have been in conversation with the Presiding Bishop’s Office over the last week related to this particular effort and for several months previous, when this was first understood to be a family conflict. With some new clarity and for appropriate and necessary transparency, I want to address a few points in the letter and update you on what’s next for me and for us.

  • Over the past few months, I have invited my sons to dive into these sensitive family matters in a therapeutic setting. My older son was willing to do one session before requesting to discontinue due to his tinnitus. My younger son said he was not ready to do this work. I have been in solo therapy on and off since 2003 and continue to meet regularly with my therapist as well as with two spiritual directors – this is advice I give to all clergy.
  • In response to these allegations, I have encouraged the Presiding Bishop’s Office to officially open a Title IV investigation, a process to determine the veracity of the points and to determine appropriate actions. There should be no sense that these concerns are casually dismissed. The Presiding Bishop will appoint a separate intake officer to facilitate this process. From my vantage point, an official Title IV process is the appropriate way to clear these painful allegations. As part of this, I have offered to submit myself for comprehensive psychological and alcohol evaluation by a clinical professional. By taking my sons’ concerns seriously, I hope that this will keep open the possibility of reconciliation.
  • The Presiding Bishop’s Office has not called for a suspension or restriction on ministry. I will, however, take a week’s break to do the clinical evaluation, and will go on a reflective retreat during the week of July 4th. I will miss attending the Episcopal Youth Event with our remarkable young leaders and am grateful for our youth director’s blessing to take this time.
  • I will continue to be in conversation with the Presiding Bishop and our diocesan leaders to keep them apprised of this process and to check in along the way. It is my firm belief and hope that the investigation will determine that I have not broken my vows to the church and my adherence to the canons.

Again, Eastern and Western Michigan, I am sorry. I am sorry for the impact this has on our dioceses. I am here to serve Christ in this church, not to distract. I am so encouraged and hope-filled for our dioceses and for our ministry together. Amazing things are happening. Our formation – spiritually, vocationally, developmentally – amongst all orders is in focus. Our collaborations are growing and deepening in mission-oriented, relational ways. Our leaders are growing in their confidence and expertise, strengthening our church to welcome, invite, and lead in all corners.

I am grateful for you. Know that you are in my prayers every day. I ask that you keep me in yours.

Please contact or with any questions or concerns. Your questions will either be addressed directly or pointed toward the appropriate party.

May the peace of God, which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of God’s Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh

Bishop Provisional
The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan

A Personal Announcement from the Bishop

Dear Friends,

While we celebrate Pride Month and all the joys of loving relationships, I share a bit of news about my own journey and ask for your prayers.

It brings me great joy to share with you that, in the last year, I have reconnected with an old friend from seminary. With the support of our Presiding Bishop and the Standing Committees of our dioceses, Ato and I became engaged last year over the Christmas holidays, and will be wed later this August when I am in India! I am glad to share more about our journey of reconnecting in the video below.

I must also address a painful part of this journey with you. This step forward in my life has created some conflict within my family, especially with my two sons, who are expressing anger on social media and by email. The divorce from two and a half years ago has been a painful transition and this pain has developed further as I moved into a new relationship. As a father, I love them and have worked with them, and will continue to invite them to address this pain and disappointment with me in a safe, therapeutic setting when they are ready. I want you to know that the Presiding Bishop’s office has been attending to this matter with the boys and my ex-spouse and has been in contact with them and with me over the last year. I am attentive to communicating with and responding to the PB’s office in every way as they monitor this tender family situation.

I ask your prayers for my former spouse and our children, especially during this painful time. I also ask for your prayers for Ato and me as we marry this summer and work through a long visa process.

I invite you to get in touch with Canon Katie Forsyth if you have any questions. She can be reached at and

Blessings to you and gratitude for the love modeled to us by Jesus Christ!


The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh
Bishop Provisional
The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan

Formation in our Dioceses

Dear Saints,

Greetings in this season of Pentecost, discerning and inviting leaders with multiple gifts of the Spirit among us!

October 27 and 28, we will gather in Saginaw for our Fourth Joint Convention as Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan! I am excited about the opportunity to delight in one another, to pray, worship, learn, break bread, address concerns, conduct business, laugh, and look ahead to the possibilities God calls and presents to us! I thank you for giving me the privilege of serving as your Bishop Provisional and friend!

I am curious about helping nurture a world transformed in which all God’s children are unconditionally welcomed, cared for, and loved. I look forward to discerning how we, individually and collectively as a church, nurture Christ’s call to proclaim and embody God’s boundless love for all creation. I am especially thrilled about our theme for this year’s convention, Collaborative, Innovative, and Courageous discipleship! This theme is derived from our emerging mission and vision identified by our Building Bridges leaders based on what they’ve heard from the wider dioceses in their listening process. I love these clear, simple, and bold marks of discipleship!

As I visit the various outposts of mission and ministry in our two dioceses, I am struck by how we already practice these marks. I am also struck by the multiple ways we relate to one another in this Season of Practice. Most of this is good and life-giving. We do have some nervous patches. In my time with you, I have at different times heard that Eastern or Western Michigan was “driving the bus.” In all honesty, sharing drivers is not a bad thing as long as we are traveling toward God’s future and not in circles.

We are moving through discernment and building consensus in some sensitive areas. One such area is the formation of our priests, specifically as they are formed outside of legacy seminary models. Here is where we have reached some clarity: over the past months, we have had many substantive and candid conversations. Prior to our pivot to organizing as “collaboratives,” I spent time with every Clericus (clergy small group) in Western Michigan to understand hopes and concerns. I heard common refrains about areas of import, such as immersion in liturgical formation, regular corporate worship, and the earnest cautionary note about creating a two-tier system of priests. We noted that within the recent history of priestly formation in Western MIchigan, there have been a variety of models engaged. We also discussed the changing church and our need for diverse formation opportunities to best support emerging congregational needs in our various contexts, blended or bi-vocations, and the ministry of all the baptized.

I have considered all the canonical requirements of pedagogical areas and the future thriving of our clergy leaders. After much discernment and according to the authority granted by the canons of The Episcopal Church, I have decided to formally honor what has already been true in practice: that our dioceses form priests through a diversity of paths by seriously considering every discernment as unique. Therefore, this fall, our dioceses will send candidates for priestly formation to residential seminaries, hybrid seminaries, and the Academy for Vocational Leadership (learn more – Eastern MI and Western MI). This will add an intentional step to the ordination process in Western Michigan. Rather than add to the plate of the current COM, I have called upon a small group of senior clergy to help me discern the best formation path for each postulant who is ready for formation according to the requirements stipulated in our canons.

In keeping with this clarity, I will also appoint and commission a bi-diocesan board to help advise and oversee the Academy.

The Advisory Board will include the following leaders:

The Rev. Randall Warren, D. Min., Co-Chair
St. Luke’s, Kalamazoo

The Rev. Alicia Hager
Grace, Holland

The Rev. David Vickers
St. Paul’s, Greenville

The Rev. Pat Vinge
St. Martin of Tours, Kalamazoo

The Rev. Sue Colavincenzo, Co-Chair
St. Dunstan’s Davison

Deb Blackhurst
St. John’s, Midland

Beckett Leclaire
St. John’s, Dryden

The Rev. Nancy Mayhew
St. Alban’s, Bay City


Our chancellor, Bill Fleener, Jr., and I, as your bishop, will serve as ex-officio members. In addition, each Commission on Ministry will appoint one liaison. Eastern Michigan’s COM has appointed the Rev. Anna Leigh Kubbe and Western Michigan’s COM has appointed the Rev. Jay Johnson, Ph.D. (All Saints, Saugatuck). I am grateful for their willingness to serve at this time in a significant and strategic capacity!

The Advisory Board will report to the bishop, and we will have a robust opportunity to continue forming excellent and relevant priests, deacons, and lay leaders who will lead us into God’s future!

I also want to let you know that we will make the following changes to the priestly formation track in the Academy:

  • A formal process to engage and evaluate field education in the classroom.
  • An expectation to complete a substantive Clinical Pastoral Education experience
  • A requirement for students to complete the General Ordination Exams (GOEs) while allowing for remedial work for those who do not score proficient in particular areas.

Additionally, we will be searching for a co-director to serve with the Rev. Canon Tracie Little, D.Min., starting as soon as possible. As your Bishop Provisional, I am happy to report that the leaders directly involved in such matters are of one mind in this decision that will significantly and positively influence our future as a church. Don’t hesitate to contact me or one of them through my assistant (Angela Krueger, if you have questions or concerns.

Our diversified approach to formation, among other things, will provide a variety of leadership styles for our changing church in a changing world with room to address ongoing changes thoughtfully, promptly, and contextually in the future. Regarding forming priests, it is our opportunity to support their growth, more fully engage this vibrant conversation happening in the wider Church, and help our congregations thrive in a changing world. This significant need has also prompted the formation of the College for Congregational Development under the new directorship of the Rev. BJ Heyboer.

Beloved, the good news is that God is raising leaders who discern a call to holy orders. Right now, about thirty-five people are discerning a call to become deacons or priests in our church from both our dioceses. This reality is unprecedented in the recent history of our dioceses, and we are grateful to the Holy Spirit for this bountiful blessing!

These days, I have become fond of saying, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Pentecost!”


The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh
Bishop Provisional
The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan


The Academy for Vocational Leadership, our bi-diocesan school of formation, is part of the Iona Collaborative, over 34 dioceses forming leaders for holy orders with the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas. Click here to learn more about the Iona Collaborative.

If you’d like to learn more about the extent of the classes offered through the Collaborative — courses that each student has access to and that the Academy uses as we build the curriculum each year — please click here.

The Iona Collaborative have developed what they call the “matrix” – one for priests and one for deacons. This details the skills that we develop through formation and indicates how we might expect a student to progress in the various skill levels. The faculty at the Academy use the matrix to help design lesson plans that include specific tools to help develop particular skills. A student evaluation is available to help assess how each student is embodying the skills.


No. This isn’t an updated version of Old McDonald Had a Farm (Ee i ee i o). It stands for Episcopal Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officer. EDEIO is the national network of those designated by their diocesan bishops with special responsibility for encouraging the search for the wider visible unity of Christ’s Church and collegial relationships with members of other religions. In the dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan, it’s my joy to serve as the Ecumenical and Interreligious Officer.

The annual meeting of EDEIOs is held at the National Workshop on Christian Unity (NWCU) along with Roman Catholic, Evangelical Lutheran, United Methodist, and other Evangelical ecumenical networks. I attended the NWCU (for the first time pre-COVID in 2019) and last month in Milwaukee from May 8 – 11. The theme for this year’s workshop came from the theme for this past January’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which comes from Isaiah 1:17 “Do Good; Seek Justice,” and was developed by the Minnesota Council of Churches in response to the injustice experienced by people of color in that state and beyond.

The Rev. Canon Dr. Stephanie Spellers, who serves as Canon to the Presiding Bishop for Evangelism, Reconciliation, and Creation Care was our Theologian-in-Residence. To begin each session, Canon Spellers led us in singing Wade in the Water; a spiritual that Harriet Tubman used, to tell escaping slaves to get off the trail and into the water to make sure the dogs slave catchers used, couldn’t sniff out their trail. Canon Spellers also led us in considering Isaiah’s theme under three sub-topics: listening to the biblical call to justice, lamenting the lack of justice in our world, and living into justice in our communities. And each day we joined in table conversations around the practice of justice, facilitated by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center.

What rose up for me at this workshop was the embodiment of collegiality. What rose up for me at this workshop was the realization that even in our time, so many American Christians hold on –– to varying degrees –– to a “we’re right, you’re wrong” mindset, in both theology and action. And that perspective –– either consciously or not –– filters down to barriers we erect over denominational and parochial issues; on everything from human sexuality to how we administer Communion.

I started to become aware of these distinctions while I was growing up as a Jewish (recently Bar Mitzvah’d) young man; when televangelists like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson promised damnation and eternal fire for those who didn’t think as they thought or believe as they believed. And while many moderate Christians dismissed this kind of extremism, they nevertheless embraced some version of denominational and/or religious exclusivity.

Yet, the Rev. Michael Kinnamon (past General Secretary of the National Council of Churches) said that “Denominations are wonderful adjectives, but idolatrous nouns.” And the late Rev. Walter R. Bouman (contributor to the Called to Common Mission Concordat) said “The agreement between the Episcopal Church and the ELCA is a witness that God is making One, what had previously been divided. Failure to be in full communion with each other is sinful before God, because it means that the denominations are simply brand names competing for a share of the Christian market.”

Christianity began with Jesus, a devout Jew, who rather than wanting to start a new religion, simply wanted Temple leadership and Temple worship to be reformed. As Martin Luther didn’t want to start Lutheranism but wanted the Roman church to reform. Yet according to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, there are more than twohundred Christian denominations in the U.S., and more than forty-five thousand globally. Forty-five thousand! That’s a lot of groups implying (or saying outright) that they’re right and others –– while maybe not quite wrong –– aren’t quite as right.

The Rt. Rev. Thomas E. Breidenthal, ninth bishop of the Diocese of Southern Ohio, wrote (as part of the DuBose Lectures at the School of Theology at the University of the South) that our relationships with each other are of paramount importance, because the atonement necessary to salvation includes our atonement with one another –– human to human –– and that the divisions between us are lies. In John’s Gospel (17:221a) we hear Jesus pray that the disciples may all be one; and that as the Father is in Jesus and Jesus is in the Father, may they also be in them. It’s like E pluribus unum; which is translated as “Out of many, One;” and is the motto of the United States. And in this time, we are all trying in so many ways to find our way back to being One, aren’t we?

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori (past Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church) said “For us Christians, Jesus is our doorway to God; but for us to think that God couldn’t possibly act in some other way, is for us humans to put God in a very small box.”

Boxes don’t exist in creation. They are human-made. Let’s not have boxes. And we get a further glimpse of this truth in Ps. 118:5: I called out to God from my narrowness, and God answered me with a vast expanse. And in 1 Corinthians 13: For we know only in part; we see in a mirror dimly, but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end.

God’s diversity was never intended to be divisive. So as the riot of spring growth explodes from the ground, let’s affirm diversity in all its life-giving forms, and recapture and share with each other, some grace from God’s garden.

the Rev. Mike Wernick,


June 28th, 1-4pm; July 13, 6-9pm; July 16, 1-4pm

Leaders in Eastern and Western Michigan are invited to be trained as facilitators to lead Sacred Ground circles for congregations and other groups in our dioceses.

Sacred Ground is an eleven-session film-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups gather as “circles,” walking through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity. The series focuses on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories. The series is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society.

With several congregations and regions interested in developing Sacred Ground circles, our dioceses are in need of facilitators! We will offer three, three-hour opportunities to be trained as a facilitator this summer via Zoom. Those options are:

  • Wednesday, June 28th, 1-4pm
  • Thursday, July 13th, 6-9pm
  • Sunday, July 16th, 1-4pm

Following their training, facilitators will be equipped to host Sacred Ground circles in-person or on Zoom.

Participants must have participated in a Sacred Ground circle prior to training as a facilitator. Facilitators are welcoming, compassionate, and open to differences. They are sensitive to others’ feelings of stress or anger and able to diffuse tension. They are respectful listeners with flexibility and thoughtfulness.

Questions about this training? Please contact Mary Simpson, Data and Resource Coordinator for Dismantling Racism, at


There is no cost to attend the Sacred Ground Facilitator Training. Space is limited to no more than 15 people per session and registration will close for a particular session once the cap has been reached.

Please RSVP to receive your Zoom access information.

Solar Faithful Webinar

Solar Faithful Webinar

Thursday, June 22nd from 7-8pm

The bi-diocesan Creation Care Task Force invites parish leaders to learn about opportunities to care for creation and reduce energy costs through the installation of rooftop solar panels.

Solar Faithful, a new 501c3 nonprofit, is a collaboration of the Climate Witness Project, Michigan Interfaith Power and Light, the original Solar Faithful (an informal group from the southeast side of the state), a solar developer (Chart House Energy), and an impact investor (SunWealth).

Solar Faithful makes it possible for congregations and faith-based nonprofits of all faith traditions, ethnic/racial groups, and income levels to participate in the just energy transition by installing solar panels at no cost to these organizations, while reducing their monthly electric bills. Their goal is that 50% of our participants will be either Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), faith groups other than Christian, and/or low income.

Learn how your parish can move to clean, healthy, solar power with no investment. Our conversation will be led by the officers of Solar Faithful: Jennifer Young (MIPL), Rob Rafson (CHE), and Steve Mulder (CWP, member of St. Mark’s, Grand Rapids and our Bi-Diocesan Creation Care Task Force).

Our one-hour Zoom webinar will include time for Q&A and will be recorded for later viewing.

Questions about this event? Please contact Canon Katie Forsyth at or


There is no cost to attend the Solar Faithful Webinar, hosted by the Bi-Diocesan Creation Care Task Force. Please RSVP to receive your Zoom access information.

Ordination to the Priesthood

By the Grace of God and with the consent of the People

The Right Reverend Prince Grenville Singh
Provisional Bishop

will ordain

The Rev. Joseph Kennedy

To the Sacred Order of Priests
in Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

Saturday, the Twenty-Fourth of June
Two Thousand Twenty-Three
at Three O’Clock in the Afternoon
Commemorating the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

St. David’s Episcopal Church
1519 Elmwood Road
Lansing, Michigan

Your prayers and presence are requested. A live stream is expected to be available on the St. David’s, Lansing Facebook Page and the Eastern and Western Michigan Facebook Pages.

Clergy will process in choir dress with red stoles.

Coordinator for the College for Congregational Development

Dear Friends,

With joy, I announce that the Rev. BJ Heyboer will join our bi-diocesan staff, serving as part-time Coordinator of the College for Congregational Development (CCD) in Eastern and Western Michigan. Her new role begins immediately. She continues as rector serving St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Newaygo.

BJ was ordained to the priesthood in 2016 after completing her M.Div. at Sewanee School of Theology. After her ordination, she served as priest-in-charge with St. John’s, Fremont and St. Mark’s, Newaygo, where she was called in 2019 as rector and director of their connected health and wellness center, Vera’s House. Prior to her ordained ministry, BJ worked for more than twenty years in religious book publishing, most recently as cofounder of Brazos Press and senior marketing director at Brazos and Baker Academic. She is a contributor to Common Prayer: Reflections on Episcopal Worship, edited by Joseph S. Pagano and Amy E. Richter. She and her “episcopup,” George Frederick, live in Newaygo.

As Coordinator of CCD, BJ will organize our training weeks, recruit and equip trainers, and recruit and support our participants in the implementation of their new skills and tools within their communities. BJ can be reached by calling either diocesan office and listening for the list of extensions or by emailing or

The first offering of our new bi-diocesan CCD program will take place July 23-28, 2023 in Midland, Michigan. The deadline to register your congregation’s team is June 1st (a change from what was previously announced). Click the links to learn more on our websites: Eastern MIchigan and Western Michigan.

Please join me in celebrating BJ’s ministry with us and welcoming her to this new role!


The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh
Bishop Provisional
The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan

Ordination to the Diaconate – Beckett Leclaire

By the Grace of God and with the consent of the People

The Right Reverend Prince Grenville Singh
Provisional Bishop

will ordain

Beckett Joseph Leclaire

To the Sacred Order of Deacons
in Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

Saturday, the First of July
Two Thousand Twenty-Three
at Eleven O’Clock in the Morning
Commemorating the Feast of Pauli Murray

Grace Episcopal Church
1213 Sixth Street
Port Huron, Michigan

Your prayers and presence are requested. The service will also be livetreamed on the Grace, Port Huron Facebook Page and shared to the Eastern and Western Michigan Facebook Pages.

Clergy will process in choir dress with red stoles.



Sunday, May 21st at 3:00pm

Building on our work in developing the ChurchLands Map of Eastern and Western Michigan, church leaders are invited to join Plainsong Farm and Ministry for a conversation about land use on Sunday, May 21st from 3:00pm until about 4:15pm.

ChurchLands is an emerging initiative to educate and equip Christians and churches about land as an asset for ministry in an era of climate change. Wise land care and use can proclaim the gospel, conserve biodiversity, grow community health, create new relationships, and address historic injustices. The vision of ChurchLands is that churches begin to relate to land holdings in a way that is more faithful to the Gospel: integrating discipleship, ecology, justice, and health. This gathering builds on what Plainsong Farm has learned thus far and begins a Michigan network with the goal to encourage and equip disciples to tend land wisely here.

We’ll reflect on Scripture, learn about one another and the lands we care for, learn about national-level work in this area, and hear about the plans and goals that Plainsong has for a future Michigan ChurchLands network. If you care about practical work to care for creation through tending places and people, this gathering is for you.

Following the ChurchLands gathering, participants are warmly invited to join in Blessing the Fields at Plainsong Farm for the 2023 growing season at 4:30, with refreshments to follow. Learn more.

Questions about this event? Please contact the Rev. Nurya Parish at


Sunday, May 21st

Plainsong Farm & Ministry
6677 12 Mile Rd NE
Rockford, MI 49341


There is no cost to attend the Churchlands Gathering. Please RSVP by May 20th.