Bishop Singh Resigns as Bishop Provisional

Please read below for an important update from the Standing Committees and a note from Bishop Singh.

Friends in Christ,

Over the last few months, our dioceses have walked alongside our bishop provisional, the Rt. Rev. Prince Singh, as he’s responded to and participated in a Title IV investigation in light of allegations raised this summer by his two sons and ex-wife (click here for a previous communication regarding this case). Following the process set forth in our Episcopal Church canons, our role was to remain neutral and take action should charges and/or actions be brought as a result of the investigation. As Joint Standing Committees, we have been in frequent conversation, monitoring the response and feedback from the dioceses as well as extensive conversation taking place across The Episcopal Church about our Title IV process and approach to bishop discipline.

Yesterday, we were notified by those overseeing the matter that the bishop has been placed on restriction from ministry (click here for yesterday’s notice to the dioceses.)

Our Standing Committee Presidents have met with Bishop Singh and reached a mutual decision: it is time for him to step down as our bishop provisional, allowing him to focus on the next phase of the Title IV process, his family, and his personal well-being, and allowing our dioceses to step ahead in forward-thinking mission together, focused on our collective ministry and ongoing discernment. The bishop’s resignation is effective as of today.

We have been able to identify and address preliminary next steps. Here’s what we anticipate at this moment:

  • Our Joint Standing Committees once again hold the ecclesiastical authority of our dioceses, according to church canon. We are actively identifying an “assisting bishop” to offer pastoral presence for our diocesan and parish leaders on a temporary basis. Assisting bishops are already consecrated bishops (often retired) who take on specific responsibilities for a diocese.
  • At this time, we anticipate calling for a new “bishop provisional,” beginning a search as soon as possible, identifying candidates, conducting interviews with an appointed search committee, and – God willing – facilitating an election next Spring during a special convention, where we are likely to also consider the question of juncture between our dioceses.
  • Regretfully, all upcoming scheduled bishop visitations are canceled. The diocesan office will be in touch to formally communicate this cancellation. If schedules allow, our diocesan canon staff members have indicated a willingness to be present in lieu of an official episcopal visitation, whether celebrating the Eucharist or guest-preaching.
  • The diocesan confirmation scheduled for next Saturday, September 16th in Alpena will take place as scheduled, the Rt. Rev. Douglas Sparks (Northern Indiana) celebrating.

We have scheduled two opportunities to meet via Zoom with parish leaders in light of this news:

  • With Clergy during our already-scheduled All Clergy Call on Tuesday, September 19th at 1pm.
  • With Senior Wardens on Tuesday, September 19th at 7pm. A Zoom link will be sent directly to Senior Wardens separately from this email. This meeting will also be recorded for Senior Wardens unable to attend in real-time.

We prayerfully recognize that this situation is complex and this news will be received in many ways within and beyond our dioceses. We have tred in these waters before. We have learned much from our previous experience of bishop discipline, both about our imperfect and beloved church and about our resilient and courageous dioceses. We have grown in relationship and in trust of one another across our leadership. We have taken on big questions and come out stronger together on the other side. We will address this new challenge with careful stewardship of our body, compassion for one another, and faith in the One who loves us infinitely more than we could ask or imagine.

Please continue to hold our dioceses in prayer – for our leadership and for one another across our geography. And please pray for Bishop Singh: for his journey ahead, for his family, and for a resolution to be reached.

Yours in Christ,

The Standing Committee of Eastern Michigan

Barbara Ilkka
St. John’s, Saginaw

The Rev. Donald Davidson
Resident, Eastern Michigan

Jelecia Geraghty
St. Paul’s, Flint

Neil Hargrave
St. John’s, Dryden

The Rev. Anna Leigh Kubbe
Resident, Eastern Michigan

The Rev. Jerry Lasley
St. Christopher’s, Grand Blanc

The Standing Committee of Western Michigan

The Rev. Randall Warren, D.Min.
St. Luke’s, Kalamazoo

Martha Bartlett
St. James, Pentwater

The Rev. Molly Bosscher
St. Andrew’s, Grand Rapids

Freya Gilbert
St. Paul’s, St. Joseph

Carole Redwine
St. Philip’s, Grand Rapids

The Rev. Anne Schnaare
Grace, Grand Rapids

Fred Skidmore
St. Andrew’s, Grand Rapids

The Rev. Eileen Stoffan
St. Paul’s, Muskegon

Dear Friends,

When I started among you over a year and a half ago, I said, “Transitions are us.” I did not expect mine from you to be so soon or this way. It is with a profound sense of sorrow that I resign as bishop provisional of the Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan.

Throughout my service, I have always sought to lead from a place of moral integrity. The public allegations against me have made it so that is not possible, distracting from the incredible work of these dioceses and the ministry I came to practice among you.

My resignation is not an admission of guilt but intends to remove the distraction from our discernment in these dioceses. I have seen the amazing things you are already doing and see on the horizon amazing opportunities for missional effectiveness through potential juncture. I am sorry for the impact this Title IV situation has had on our work and for any harm this situation may have raised out of past traumas of individuals and communities.

I wish you well as you continue to pursue your discernment in the coming months, led by the Building Bridges team and our wider diocesan leadership! I will pray for you as you journey forward in this Season of Practice.

It has been a privilege to serve among you these nineteen months as a follower of Jesus, the shepherd, and bishop of our souls. I am grateful to the Presiding Bishop and his office, our lay and clergy leaders in ministry here, and our fantastic staff for engaging with me in this privilege and responsibility to serve with you, Eastern and Western Michigan. We have done good work as a team. You are good and faithful people. And while I will not get to the promised land with you, I pray that you will thrive in God’s future with excellent spiritual health, profound wisdom, and renewed joy!

In Paul’s encouragement, “rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.” I love you, and may the grace and peace of God abide with you as you grow from strength to strength.

With unwavering devotion to Christ’s reconciling love,

Prince Singh

Title IV Update: Bishop Singh placed on restriction

Friends in Christ,
This afternoon, we were notified by those overseeing the Title IV inquiry into Bishop Singh that he was being placed on immediate restriction from ministry in light of the pending allegations against him. This includes his active ministry amongst us as provisional bishop. This restriction is in effect until further notice.

This news is being disseminated quickly by the Office of Public Affairs for The Episcopal Church in recognition of the uniquely public, online nature of these allegations. We regret that we did not have more time to adequately notify our parish leaders before this wider dissemination.

The Standing Committees will communicate further details of our next steps together via email tomorrow. Please continue to hold our dioceses, our leadership, and one another in your prayers.

Tonight’s pre-convention meeting for the Diocese of Western Michigan will proceed as planned. Acknowledging the difficulty of the circumstance, this meeting will be primarily focused on the agenda items related to convention, especially those essential to the continued work of this annual season and its canonical timeline. The communication sent tomorrow will include details about gatherings for clergy and senior wardens to discuss the Title IV matter.

Yours in Christ,

Barb Ilkka
President of the Standing Committee
The Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan

The Rev. Randall Warren, D.Min.
President of the Standing Committee
The Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan

Sunday Afternoons October through mid-March 2024

Episcopal young people are invited to join regional youth missioners, the Rev. Beckett Leclaire (Deacon – St. John’s, Dryden; Youth Missioner Admin) and the Rev. Joel Turmo (Rector – St. Timothy’s, Richland; Youth Missioner for the Southern Collaborative) for an opportunity to participate in a free youth-focused, online confirmation class as preparation for diocesan confirmation services next year.

Youth entering 7th-12th grades unable to participate in youth-focused confirmation classes in their home congregation are invited to participate in a weekly one-hour online Zoom class every Sunday afternoon from 4 to roughly 5pm beginning October 1st and running through March 17, 2024. Upon completion of the program, students who feel they are ready to make a mature affirmation of faith may be registered for any diocesan confirmation service.

We encourage the families and faith communities of our students to actively support their student by praying for them, discussing the content of their classes, and by providing logistical support to ensure that students are able to attend and be fully engaged with their classes.

With questions, please contact the Rev. Beckett Leclaire at / or the Rev. Joel Turmo at /


There is no cost to participate in the confirmation classes. Please register before the first class, October 1st.

Zoo Day – Celebrating the Feast of St. Francis

October 1, 2023 at Potter Park Zoo in Lansing

Children, youth, and adults of all ages are invited to a bi-diocesan Zoo Day celebrating the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the saint of animals and creation.

Please join us on Sunday, October 1 from 2-5pm at Potter Park Zoo in Lansing for a visit through the zoo, snacks, and a short prayer service celebrating St. Francis and all the animals we love.

Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a reusable water bottle.

Unable to join us in Lansing? Celebrate at home or at your local zoo! The linked resource documents include our short prayer service and ideas and resources for planning your own Zoo Day as a family or congregation.

Questions about this event?
Please contact one of the following bi-diocesan youth missioners: the Rev. Beckett Leclaire at or, and the Rev. Radha Kaminski at or


October 1, 2023

Potter Park Zoo
1301 S Pennsylvania Ave
Lansing, MI 48912


This event is offered at no cost for children and youth under 18 years old, subsidized by the Office of Children and Youth Formation. Adults over 18 are $10/person.

Minors must be accompanied and supervised by a participating adult.

Please note: the zoo charges $5 for parking.

The deadline to register is September 29th.

Spiritual Practices in Contemplative Retreat

August 18-20, 2023 at Camp Chickagami

Adults of all genders are invited to join us for several days spent in community, building a closer relationship with God and creation and journeying deeper into our spiritual practices.

God invites us to relationship each and every day. Retreats are a great opportunity to take time apart and disconnect from our everyday lives, connecting with this call to relationship through exploration of spirituality, prayer life, and community. Our retreat is faciliated by a dynamic duo of deacons, the Revs. Anna Leigh Kubbe and Beckett Leclaire.

The schedule for our retreat is flexible with time spent both alone and in group. This weekend was formerly offered as our “Women’s Retreat.”

This retreat’s pricing is a tiered pricing structure beginning at $300. Lodging for this retreat will be in a communal setting assigned by Camp Chickagami staff. If you have requests for cabin-mates please let us know during the registration process.

Questions about this event? Please contact the Rev. Anna Leigh Kubbe at 810-334-3189 or


August 18-20, 2023
Check-in: Friday, 3-6pm
Check-out: Sunday, Noon

Participants are welcome to linger for the remainder of the day after check-out/departing their cabin.

Camp Chickagami
6952 Kauffman Road
Presque Isle, MI 49777


Registration is offered as tiered pricing and begins at $200 for commuters and $300 for those staying on-site. Participants also have the option to add on an extra night’s stay (without meals).

Click here for a list of retreat FAQs, including recommendations for packing.

The deadline to register is August 10th.

Building Bridges Update from Listening Sessions

Dear Courageous Disciples,

December 2022 through February 2023, the Building Bridges Steering Committee, the group charged with facilitating the discernment process about the future mission and structures of our dioceses, hosted a series of ten listening sessions, both online and in-person at various locations across both dioceses. We learned a lot of valuable information from the comments that you shared about your priorities, what you value about your faith communities, and what issues you believe we need to address as we discern whether or not to pursue juncture (the canonical term for our potential merger).

The Building Bridges Steering Committee tasked our Intentional Internal Conversations sub team to dig into the notes from those sessions and determine if there are any particular themes emerging from your responses to the questions. Some overarching takeaways are:

  • Many of the things you want to see happening are already taking place or are in the works–but you may not be aware of them at the local congregational level.
  • There is a strong desire to work together and the new bi-diocesan “collaboratives” instituted this spring will provide a structure for much of that collaboration.
  • Collaboration to promote lay leadership of congregations and ministries is also a high priority. Our new congregational prayer partner project is an extension of this priority as well as our renewed investment in formation for congregational development!
  • Prioritizing ministry to people in the first third of life is critical–and we continue to find ways to engage this demographic and learn about what is important to them.
  • We need to continue to work on ensuring that information from the diocesan leadership gets to people in our congregations–and that what is happening in our congregations gets back to diocesan leadership and other congregations; we have much to learn from each other.
  • Although Creation Care did not surface in as many comments, that topic is gaining more and more traction–and as we continue to collaborate in Holy Hikes and engage together in the ministry of Plainsong Farm and the Order of Naucratius–we may want to dig more deeply into how we collaborate around this area.
  • The Episcopal Church’s identity around LGBTQ+ inclusion is helping us to grow, and, with that understanding, we can engage people and have a bigger presence in our local communities.
  • Formation of lay people and clergy is highly important, and we need to find new ways to form us as disciples. We recently took a step forward on a common understanding of formation for holy orders.
  • Finding new, authentic ways to worship is also crucial.
  • Regarding justice issues, people like that the dioceses (and the Episcopal Church) stand for something, such as the joint work we did with other faith leaders on addressing gun violence and our work on LGBTQ+ inclusion and safety.
  • Continuing our work on racial reconciliation and healing for past injustices was also emphasized.
  • Finally, there was much concern about how juncture would impact the relationships between the bishop and the local congregations, as well as concern about overworking the staff, although staff have noted that their workload is more manageable with increased collaboration between diocesan leadership bodies.

The Building Bridges team used the themes emerging out of these sessions and from previous listening sessions to develop new mission and vision statements that we can use through this season of practice and to live into as dioceses, whether operating together, separately or something in-between:

Mission Statement
Called by Christ to proclaim and embody God’s boundless love for all creation, we grow:

  • Collaborative communities of faith, walking the journey together;
  • Innovative ministries, stretching beyond our walls;
  • Courageous disciples, striving to transform systems of injustice.

We nurture relentless hope for a world longing for mercy, restoration, and peace.

Vision Statement
A world transformed, in which all God’s children are unconditionally welcomed, cared for, and loved.

These mission and vision statements were presented to and affirmed during a joint meeting of our Diocesan Councils, Standing Committees, and staffs earlier this year.

The three priorities listed under the mission (collaborative communities, innovative ministries, and courageous disciples) will be the basis for goal-setting as the collaboration between the two dioceses continues and will serve as the theme of our upcoming Fourth Joint Diocesan Convention, taking place in Saginaw, October 28-29, 2023.

Thank you for your prayers and your participation in this discernment! We look forward to sharing more with you as convention approaches and invite you to share generously with others in your congregation.

Yours in Christ,

The Internal Conversations Sub-Team
The Building Bridges Steering Committee

The Rev. Janet Gockerman – St. Mark’s, Grand Rapids
Janet Huff-Worvie – St. John the Baptist, Otter Lake
The Rev. Beckett Leclaire – St. John’s, Dryden
Ellen McVey – St. John’s, Midland
Allie Miller – Holy Family, Midland

Support from:
Katie Forsyth – Bi-Diocesan Staff
Katie Ong – Building Bridges Consultant

Season of Practice | A Conversation with our Archdeacons

Earlier this spring, Bishop Singh sat down with the two archdeacons serving Eastern and Western Michigan: the Vens. Linda Crane and Beth Drew. Together, they consider the role of the deacon in our church and in the world, reflect on the ministry happening in Eastern and Western Michigan, and discuss a strengthened diaconate in our dioceses through our Season of Practice.

While watching this long-form video (around 20 minutes) as an individual or in a small group, we invite you to respond to similar questions:

  • How do you feel your call to serve God and the world?
  • What have you learned about ministry from deacons in the church?
  • How have you seen deacons call the church into more proximate, more compassionate ministry in the neighborhood?


Check out previous videos in our ongoing Season of Practice Series:

Initial Steps in the Title IV Investigation

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Thank you for the support and care you have shown us and one another over the last several days, as our dioceses have stepped into a sensitive situation along with our bishop. We write today with an update on the progress of the Title IV process and to underscore some important understandings about this unique status.

First, an update. The comprehensive psychological and alcohol evaluation that the Presiding Bishop has requested and that has been readily accepted by Bishop Singh has been scheduled and will take place the week of July 17th with a multi-disciplinary team of clinicians. This is an important step in further information gathering and will give us an accurate portrayal of the bishop’s current mental health, any concern for addictive behaviors, and more. The bishop’s schedule will be cleared and rearranged in order to give time and space for this intense examination. Additionally, the Presiding Bishop has assigned an intake officer for this matter. She will facilitate the intake process and manage this case. We are pleased with the swiftness at which these steps are taking place.

We also want to articulate some of the ways in which this unfolding situation is unique, especially the ways in which it is different from our previous experience of bishop discipline.

  • Bishop Singh is voluntarily participating in a Title IV process in light of the accusations made against him by his sons through social media and email. Typically, a Title IV process would be imposed on a bishop by the Presiding Bishop’s Office of Pastoral Development in response to an official complaint filed with an intake officer.
  • At this point in the process, the intake officer is gathering information and assessing the allegations to determine if the situation rises to the level of a Title IV offense. Typically, a Title IV process at this intake stage would not be announced publicly until and unless offenses were officially identified by the Intake Officer and forwarded to the Reference Panel. Because of the public and targeted nature of the accusations, it was important to Bishop Singh and your Standing Committee Presidents that we talk openly and transparently about how the dioceses and church respond to such a serious matter, keeping you updated as we move along and respond to the process.
  • Bishop Singh has not been suspended or restricted from ministry and continues with his normal schedule and activities, including visitations. Typically, restrictions would be instituted if the bishop under Title IV had acknowledged guilt (our previous experience) or if individuals or the church were in immediate harm.

This website is a resource to understand the Title IV process in The Episcopal Church.

After the intake process is complete, the intake officer will submit her report to the Reference Panel, articulating whether she recommends proceedings based on the information gathered. If it is determined that the alleged offenses would constitute a Title IV matter, we will move forward accordingly, aligned with our Episcopal Church canons, our careful stewardship of our faith communities, and with priority for the continuing vital and transformational mission and ministry of our partnering dioceses.

Bishop Singh has recorded a message to the dioceses, an update on his process, and personal reflection. We invite you to hear directly from our bishop:

Please continue to hold our dioceses in prayer: Bishop Singh and his family, the Joint Standing Committees, our joint staff, and one another. We have traveled far together over the last three years of partnership, through moments of deep challenge and moments of vibrant, Christ-centered ministry. Through all we’ve experienced together, we have grown in beloved community, in the healthy and balanced leadership of all orders, and in our trust and reliance on one another. This movement continues. This season is another challenge; one we will meet with compassion, sensitivity, and an ear toward the movement of the Holy Spirit.

Please direct any questions about this process to or They will be answered or directed to the appropriate place.

Yours in Christ,

Barbara Ilkka
President of the Standing Committee
The Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan

The Rev. Randall Warren, D.Min.
President of the Standing Committee
The Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan

Discernment Weekend

Take a step in exploring how God may be calling you

Have you ever felt a nagging deep inside, wondering about whether you may be called to ordained ministry? Have you been fighting that feeling? Have others in your life told you you should consider becoming a deacon or priest? Are you interested in exploring a call to ordained ministry?

Then this is the weekend for you.

The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan, in collaboration with the Academy for Vocational Leadership and the Iona Collaborative from the Seminary of the Southwest, is extending an invitation to come together for a weekend of discernment. This event is a first step into considering formal discernment for Holy Orders and is open to all.

Our retreat, which will include both time in plenary and discussion, gathers at 5:30pm for dinner on Friday, August 11th and concludes following lunch on Sunday, August 13th.

Questions about this event? Please contact the Rev. Canon Tracie Little, Canon for the Southern Collaborative and Adult Formation, at 810-300-9177 or


August 11-13, 2023
Arrival: Friday, 5:30pm
Departure: Sunday, about 1pm

St. Francis Retreat Center
703 E. Main Street
Dewitt, MI 48820


Participants are asked to cover the cost of their room, $98. All other costs and materials are covered by the dioceses.

Please register for the Discernment Weekend by July 31st.

Academy for Vocational Leadership Academic Year 2023-24

Applications Open for Academic Year 2023-24

Postulants ready to begin formation for Holy Orders or lay people seeking intensive theological learning may now apply to join the Academy for Vocational Leadership for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The Academy for Vocational Leadership is our three-year, bi-diocesan program of preparation for Holy Orders. Originally founded in its current iteration in 2015, the Academy is one of over 34 diocesan schools in The Episcopal Church forming leaders as part of the Iona Collaborative of the Seminary of the Southwest (SSW) in Austin, TX. All academic classes are developed and taught remotely by SSW professors with support from local faculty. Additional practical classes are taught by local practitioners and experts.

On June 15th, a notification went out from Bishop Singh stating that “our dioceses form priests through a diversity of paths by seriously considering every discernment as unique. Therefore, this fall, our dioceses will send candidates for priestly formation to residential seminaries, hybrid seminaries, and the Academy for Vocational Leadership. This will add an intentional step to the ordination process in Western Michigan.” Therefore, postulants seeking ordination as vocational deacons and priests from both Eastern and Western Michigan may apply.

The Academy is also open to lay people not pursuing ordination but desiring in-depth and intense theological learning for their own spiritual growth and vocation.

Please complete the attached application paperwork and return it by July 31, 2023. Once we receive and review your application, you will receive the “Summer Reading” homework along with instructions for completion.

Please note that participation in this program requires a basic understanding of technology, including the use of Zoom, accessing online password-protected platforms, word processing, and submitting papers online.

Questions about this offering? Please contact the Rev. Canon Tracie Little, Canon for the Southern Collaborative and Adult Formation, at 810-300-9177 or


All in-person weekends begin with dinner on Friday evening at 5:30pm and conclude by 3pm on Sunday afternoon.

August 11-13 – Opening Retreat, St. Francis Center

September 8-10 – St. Francis Retreat Center

October 13-15 – Zoom

November 17-19 – Zoom

December 8-10 – St. Francis Retreat Center

January 5-7 – St. Francis Retreat Center

February 9-11 – St. Francis Retreat Center

March 8-10 – Zoom

April 5-7 – St. Francis Retreat Center

May 3-5 – St. Francis Retreat Center

June 7-9 – St. Francis Retreat Center


St. Francis Retreat Center
703 E. Main Street
Dewitt, MI 48820


Tuition for the Academy is $4,300 per year, with one half due by November 1st and the remaining due by April 1, 2024. Tuition includes class materials as well as housing and meals at the retreat center. Text books will be an extra expense.

For inquiries about diocesan scholarship funds, please contact Canon Tracie Little at either or

The application deadline is July 31, 2023.