Meet our Youth Delegates

As we look to our present and future at the Primary Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes, we are proud and grateful to share that eight youth delegates from across our two legacy dioceses will be using their voices and votes to help shape our diocese from its very beginning. 

Meet our youth delegates below and join in prayer of thanksgiving and blessing for them in their roles as delegates of our soon-to-be one diocese. 

God our Loving Parent, Jesus our Living Example of Love, Holy Spirit of Love and Wise Counsel: We thank you for the gift of our youth, especially those who have heeded your call to use their voices, their presence, and their votes to help us shape our common life together at our Primary Convention. Be with them as they prepare for their work as delegates. Be with our adult delegates and diocesan leaders as we prepare to listen to, learn from and  honor the wisdom and prophetic voices of our youth. Fill all of our hearts with the certainty and joy of your love and of your call on our lives to love, praise and serve you and one another. For you live and reign in Love everlasting. Amen.

Delegates from the Legacy Diocese of Eastern Michigan

Delegates from the Legacy Diocese of Western Michigan